While this may be too gross to contemplate, it’s a scientifically legitimate fact that the water droplets in an invisible spray travel six to eight feet out and up, each time we flush the toilet. This bacterial mist has also been shown to stay in the air for at least two hours after each flush, maximizing its chance to float around and spread. According to Charles Gerba, PhD, a professor of microbiology at University of Arizona in Tucson, “If you have your toothbrush too close to the toilet, you are brushing your teeth with what’s in your toilet”.
So how close is too close?
A recent article posted by AOL Health declares the bathroom sink as the worst place for storing your toothbrush.
Click below to read the full article, "The Worst Places for Your Health":

Your toothbrush is a magnet for airborne germs and those from neighboring toothbrushes. There is a safe, simple, and completely effective solution to this dirty problem and it makes perfect sense.
With the easy to use Germ Terminator Toothbrush Sanitizer, you can effortlessly clean, sanitize and safely store your toothbrush in a germ free environment. The lab tested, FDA approved Germ Terminator generates a burst of continuous germ killing steam that safely and effectively wipes out greater than 99.9999% of all germs. All you need to do is add water. Your toothbrush is then stored in a sanitized clean chamber so it remains germ free until its next use.
Unless you prefer to rinse with toilet water, it just makes sense!
Visit our website, www.germterminator.com for more information and be sure to view our documentary to learn how the Germ Terminator can help protect you and your family from the cold and flu virus
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