Friday, October 17, 2008
The Wall Street Journal meets The Germ Terminator
A recent article in The Wall Street Journal highlights new devices aiming to zap grime and germs.
The Germ Terminator Toothbrush Sanitizer, while being similarly priced as the other comparable products, is the only toothbrush sanitizer using steam and dry heat rather than UV light to kill germs. Aside from the hazards of using UV technology for sanitization, the steam method just makes sense. Why else would doctors, dentists, and hospitals chose this method for the sanitization of their instruments?
Check out the full article at The Wall Street Journal.
The Germ Terminator Toothbrush Sanitizer, while being similarly priced as the other comparable products, is the only toothbrush sanitizer using steam and dry heat rather than UV light to kill germs. Aside from the hazards of using UV technology for sanitization, the steam method just makes sense. Why else would doctors, dentists, and hospitals chose this method for the sanitization of their instruments?
Check out the full article at The Wall Street Journal.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
We would all like to be able to give- and receive- the perfect gift, and now you can with the Germ Terminator- the gift that keeps on giving!

There is nothing like the satisfaction of picking out the perfect gift.
Yet all too often there are those on our lists that we don’t know well enough, who already have everything, or are just too hard to buy for. Gift giving occasions come up every day and selecting that ideal gift shouldn’t have to be an art, a skill, a sport, or a challenge!
Corporate gift giving is on the rise and whether shopping for a family member, friend, coworker or business associate, you can never go wrong with a one of a kind, useful and interesting product.
So how can you find a product that will not only be fun and interesting but also serve a useful purpose for every single person you know, regardless of age, race, religion, or personal likes and dislikes?
Think about it…what is one thing that everyone you know does every single day of his or her life?
They brush their teeth!
And if they are like the majority of Americans today, they are brushing with a germ-infested toothbrush.
Sound Silly?
Not at all when you consider that the mouth is one of the dirtiest parts of the body; not only are there millions of germs in there, it is the prime portal for infection to enter the body, and it is a major site of chronic and often undetected silent disease.
Many of us don’t consider the millions of microscopic germs and bacteria that are being removed from our teeth, gums, and tongue by our toothbrush when we brush- and few of us think about the fact that those disgusting germs and food particles continue to live, breed, and rot on the bristles of our toothbrush in between brushings.
Still not convinced that you and everyone you know should be using a sanitized toothbrush?
Check out this short documentary and you just might change your mind.
Click here to watch our Documentary
Featured on CNN Headline News, ABC News, NBC News, CBS News, Fox News, and HSN.
You will use your Germ Terminator at least twice a day,
everyday, for the rest of your life.
How many products do you own that get that kind of use?
Sanitize your toothbrush- it just makes sense!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
What can you do to prepare for cold and flu season?
The surest way to catch a cold or flu is to catch the germs that caused it. This is a known fact that we all recognize. Knowing this, most of us take precautious measures to remove cold and flu “bugs” from our homes, especially when one or more family members begin coughing or sneezing suspiciously. If you ask around, most people will tell you that spraying “hot spots” (door knobs, telephones, sinks, toilets, computer keyboards and video game controllers, etc.) with a known disinfectant, washing your bedding in hot water, using a hand sanitizer and frequently washing your hands will eliminate germs and keep you and your family healthy. While these are all excellent precautions and should be done a regular basis, is it really working?

Colds are the most prevalent infectious disease in the United States and are responsible for more school absences than any other illness. There are over one billion colds in the United States and currently an estimated 25–50 million cases of the flu reported each year — leading to 150,000 hospitalizations and 30,000–40,000 deaths yearly.
With such staggering statistics, what more can we do to protect our family members and ourselves?
Sanitize Your Toothbrush!
Why should you sanitize your toothbrush?
The answer is, simply enough, so we don’t get sick.
Many of us don’t consider the millions of microscopic germs and bacteria that are being removed from our teeth, gums, and tongue by our toothbrush when we brush- and few of us think about the fact that those disgusting germs and food particles continue to live, breed, and rot on the bristles of our toothbrush in between brushings.
We’ve known for a long time that germs cause disease and that we can protect ourselves by doing simple things like washing our hands and necessary things like sterilizing medical instruments.
But why hasn’t this wisdom been extended to our toothbrushes, which are FDA-regulated medical devices? For that matter, is there another medical device that comes into contact with the human soft mucous-membrane tissue that isn’t supposed to be sanitized before each and every use?

It is easy to see how the germs are spread around a room when a sick person is coughing or sneezing. Other times it is not so easy to spot the germs just waiting to pass the cold or flu virus your way. Needless to say, the mouth is one of the dirtiest parts of the body; not only are there millions of germs in there, it is the prime portal for infection to enter the body, and it is a major site of chronic and often undetected silent disease.
The bottom line is, every time we brush, we coat our toothbrush with millions of disease causing germs. Then we rinse our toothbrush under the tap for a few seconds, and throw it in the community cup with all the other germ-infested toothbrushes. We store that cup in the dirtiest room in the house- the bathroom- near the germ-laden toilet (a toilet with no trap which avails the room to sewer line gases each time the toilet is flushed) and sink, and we return to brush with the same toothbrush 6 to 12 hours later! We wouldn’t hang our forks or spoons in the bathroom exposed to bathroom vapors, germ laced dust and “bathroom bacterial mist”, but we have no problem doing this to our toothbrushes which are FDA regulated medical devices. We are literally injecting toothbrush germs directly into our bloodstreams every time we brush with an unsanitized toothbrush.
Are these germs a danger to your long-term health? Well, what do you think?
What does common sense tell you?
When you really think about it, using an unsanitized toothbrush is a nasty, disgusting practice that makes absolutely no sense at all.
The Germ Terminator Toothbrush Sanitizer is an FDA-approved medical device, which means we had the Germ Terminator tested in three major in dependent laboratories. We tested the Germ Terminator against the common cold virus (rhinovirus), the flu (influenza), herpes (simplexes I and II), and E. coli among other disgusting germs that have been found on toothbrushes and the Germ Terminator passed every test.

Colds are the most prevalent infectious disease in the United States and are responsible for more school absences than any other illness. There are over one billion colds in the United States and currently an estimated 25–50 million cases of the flu reported each year — leading to 150,000 hospitalizations and 30,000–40,000 deaths yearly.
With such staggering statistics, what more can we do to protect our family members and ourselves?
Sanitize Your Toothbrush!
Why should you sanitize your toothbrush?
The answer is, simply enough, so we don’t get sick.
Many of us don’t consider the millions of microscopic germs and bacteria that are being removed from our teeth, gums, and tongue by our toothbrush when we brush- and few of us think about the fact that those disgusting germs and food particles continue to live, breed, and rot on the bristles of our toothbrush in between brushings.
We’ve known for a long time that germs cause disease and that we can protect ourselves by doing simple things like washing our hands and necessary things like sterilizing medical instruments.
But why hasn’t this wisdom been extended to our toothbrushes, which are FDA-regulated medical devices? For that matter, is there another medical device that comes into contact with the human soft mucous-membrane tissue that isn’t supposed to be sanitized before each and every use?

It is easy to see how the germs are spread around a room when a sick person is coughing or sneezing. Other times it is not so easy to spot the germs just waiting to pass the cold or flu virus your way. Needless to say, the mouth is one of the dirtiest parts of the body; not only are there millions of germs in there, it is the prime portal for infection to enter the body, and it is a major site of chronic and often undetected silent disease.
The bottom line is, every time we brush, we coat our toothbrush with millions of disease causing germs. Then we rinse our toothbrush under the tap for a few seconds, and throw it in the community cup with all the other germ-infested toothbrushes. We store that cup in the dirtiest room in the house- the bathroom- near the germ-laden toilet (a toilet with no trap which avails the room to sewer line gases each time the toilet is flushed) and sink, and we return to brush with the same toothbrush 6 to 12 hours later! We wouldn’t hang our forks or spoons in the bathroom exposed to bathroom vapors, germ laced dust and “bathroom bacterial mist”, but we have no problem doing this to our toothbrushes which are FDA regulated medical devices. We are literally injecting toothbrush germs directly into our bloodstreams every time we brush with an unsanitized toothbrush.
Are these germs a danger to your long-term health? Well, what do you think?
What does common sense tell you?
When you really think about it, using an unsanitized toothbrush is a nasty, disgusting practice that makes absolutely no sense at all.
The Germ Terminator Toothbrush Sanitizer is an FDA-approved medical device, which means we had the Germ Terminator tested in three major in dependent laboratories. We tested the Germ Terminator against the common cold virus (rhinovirus), the flu (influenza), herpes (simplexes I and II), and E. coli among other disgusting germs that have been found on toothbrushes and the Germ Terminator passed every test.

Friday, August 22, 2008
Why your toothbrush may be killing you...slowly.

This book by the inventor of the Germ Terminator describes one man's mission to inform the public about a serious health threat that most of us have never even thought about-chronic brushing with germ-contaminated toothbrushes. It is undisputed by dentists, physicians, dental hygienists, and micro-biologists that toothbrushes, once used, become dental biohazards.
This book tells an alarming story of the silent, pathogenic germs that grow and breed inside the pointed bristles of our toothbrushes; prickly toothbrush bristles that cause daily microscopic cuts and abrasions to the soft, mucous-membrane tissues of the oral cavity, consequently, injecting germs (and their corresponding endotoxins) directly into our bloodstreams. By brushing with chronically dirty toothbrushes, we risk infecting our mouths with germs that can spread throughout the body- to the heart, kidneys, liver, brain, and anywhere else our bloodstreams will take them. Once they arrive at their destinations, they can nest, flourish, and take on lives of their own, causing silent havoc and constant stress to our immune systems.
The counterattack launched by our immune systems produces a quiet inflammatory build-up throughout our bodies. Year after year, decade after decade, this chronic inflammation, the buzzword in medical research today, may promote devastating diseases and health problems including, but not limited to, heart and lung disease, stroke, diabetes, Alzheimer's, bacterial pneumonia, adverse pregnancy outcomes, cancer, chronic fatigue, and many other chronic degenerative diseases.
Brushing with contaminated toothbrushes turns the practice of oral hygiene on its head and may help explain why 90% of adults suffer from some form of periodontal (gum) disease. Furthermore, it may be destructive to long-term health, and is diametrically opposite to contemporary medical knowledge combined with common sense, which tells us that if something is dirty, it should be cleaned. The author of this eye-opening book not only states his theory, but he offers the solution.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Germ Terminator on MyspaceTV
Does the Germ Terminator Toothbrush Sanitizer actually clean 99.9999% of bacteria from toothbrushes?
This is the question being answered yet again. This time on the popular web meeting place,
Viewers still doubting the steam technology of the Germ Terminator can watch as Fox News2 puts us to the test in this 3 minute video clip.
Click here to view the video!
Both new and used toothbrushes are tested in their local clinic and The Germ Terminator Toothbrush Sanitizer comes through again with amazing results.
Check out the video and visit our website,, for more info.
It just makes sense!
This is the question being answered yet again. This time on the popular web meeting place,
Viewers still doubting the steam technology of the Germ Terminator can watch as Fox News2 puts us to the test in this 3 minute video clip.
Click here to view the video!
Both new and used toothbrushes are tested in their local clinic and The Germ Terminator Toothbrush Sanitizer comes through again with amazing results.
Check out the video and visit our website,, for more info.
It just makes sense!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Would You Rinse Your Toothbrush in Toilet Water?
It’s probably safe to assume that the vast majority of us would not. However, when you consider the scientifically proven “aerosol effect” that takes place every time we flush the toilet, our toothbrushes may be getting a toilet water shower anyway.
While this may be too gross to contemplate, it’s a scientifically legitimate fact that the water droplets in an invisible spray travel six to eight feet out and up, each time we flush the toilet. This bacterial mist has also been shown to stay in the air for at least two hours after each flush, maximizing its chance to float around and spread. According to Charles Gerba, PhD, a professor of microbiology at University of Arizona in Tucson, “If you have your toothbrush too close to the toilet, you are brushing your teeth with what’s in your toilet”.
So how close is too close?
A recent article posted by AOL Health declares the bathroom sink as the worst place for storing your toothbrush.
Click below to read the full article, "The Worst Places for Your Health":

Your toothbrush is a magnet for airborne germs and those from neighboring toothbrushes. There is a safe, simple, and completely effective solution to this dirty problem and it makes perfect sense.
With the easy to use Germ Terminator Toothbrush Sanitizer, you can effortlessly clean, sanitize and safely store your toothbrush in a germ free environment. The lab tested, FDA approved Germ Terminator generates a burst of continuous germ killing steam that safely and effectively wipes out greater than 99.9999% of all germs. All you need to do is add water. Your toothbrush is then stored in a sanitized clean chamber so it remains germ free until its next use.
Unless you prefer to rinse with toilet water, it just makes sense!
Visit our website, for more information and be sure to view our documentary to learn how the Germ Terminator can help protect you and your family from the cold and flu virus
While this may be too gross to contemplate, it’s a scientifically legitimate fact that the water droplets in an invisible spray travel six to eight feet out and up, each time we flush the toilet. This bacterial mist has also been shown to stay in the air for at least two hours after each flush, maximizing its chance to float around and spread. According to Charles Gerba, PhD, a professor of microbiology at University of Arizona in Tucson, “If you have your toothbrush too close to the toilet, you are brushing your teeth with what’s in your toilet”.
So how close is too close?
A recent article posted by AOL Health declares the bathroom sink as the worst place for storing your toothbrush.
Click below to read the full article, "The Worst Places for Your Health":

Your toothbrush is a magnet for airborne germs and those from neighboring toothbrushes. There is a safe, simple, and completely effective solution to this dirty problem and it makes perfect sense.
With the easy to use Germ Terminator Toothbrush Sanitizer, you can effortlessly clean, sanitize and safely store your toothbrush in a germ free environment. The lab tested, FDA approved Germ Terminator generates a burst of continuous germ killing steam that safely and effectively wipes out greater than 99.9999% of all germs. All you need to do is add water. Your toothbrush is then stored in a sanitized clean chamber so it remains germ free until its next use.
Unless you prefer to rinse with toilet water, it just makes sense!
Visit our website, for more information and be sure to view our documentary to learn how the Germ Terminator can help protect you and your family from the cold and flu virus
Thursday, July 3, 2008
An Ounce of Prevention...
Germs can cause illnesses that range from common ailments like the cold or flu, to disabling conditions such as meningitis and E. coli poisoning, to deadly diseases like Hepatitis and HIV, to diseases linked to chronic inflammatory diseases such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s.
Being sick costs too much, both financially and in the quality of our lives. The Centers for Disease Control says, “An ounce of prevention keeps the germs away”.
With the Germ Terminator, you will kill 99.9999% of all germs on your toothbrush, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi.
The world is filled with good germs that we need as well as bad germs that can make us sick or make us die. The recent SARS virus created a worldwide sense of fear and anxiety of just how vulnerable we can be to some germs.
The lesson is simple- we need to do everything we can to protect ourselves against the “bad” bacteria and “bad” viruses that really pose a threat to our health. We need to keep them out of our bloodstreams and keep them from causing chronic, silent, symptom-less, and undetected inflammation throughout our bodies.
Chronic inflammation is the “secret killer”.
Being sick costs too much, both financially and in the quality of our lives. The Centers for Disease Control says, “An ounce of prevention keeps the germs away”.
With the Germ Terminator, you will kill 99.9999% of all germs on your toothbrush, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi.
The world is filled with good germs that we need as well as bad germs that can make us sick or make us die. The recent SARS virus created a worldwide sense of fear and anxiety of just how vulnerable we can be to some germs.
The lesson is simple- we need to do everything we can to protect ourselves against the “bad” bacteria and “bad” viruses that really pose a threat to our health. We need to keep them out of our bloodstreams and keep them from causing chronic, silent, symptom-less, and undetected inflammation throughout our bodies.
Chronic inflammation is the “secret killer”.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Keeping It Clean

As crucial as it is to effectively kill toothbrush germs, it is equally important to provide a sanitary environment in which your toothbrush can be stored in between brushings. What good is it to eliminate all of the germs on your toothbrush only to leave it out in the open air, exposed to loads of disgusting airborne germs from the bathroom and neighboring toothbrushes?
Always remember, your toothbrush is a magnet for germs!
The Germ Terminator is designed with a dry-heat, germ free clean chamber that guards each toothbrush against microbial contamination from any outside source, including the bathroom and germs from other brushes. Call it "the no germ zone". Once a toothbrush has been sanitized in the Germ Terminator, it remains sanitized in the clean chamber until the next toothbrushing.
The specialized clean storage compartment is kept germ free by the dry heat mode, which is effective in killing germs, but more importantly, provides for upward air movement (since hot air rises) so that microorganisms will not settle inside the chamber or on your toothbrush. It also leaves your toothbrush nice and warm until the next time you use it. Independent lab testing proved that upon removing toothbrushes for the Germ Terminators clean chamber 12 hours after they had been sanitized, absolutely no microorganisms were detected on any toothbrush after any test!
It just makes sense!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Germ Terminator - FAQ

What types of toothbrushes can be used in the Germ Terminator?
In general, the Germ Terminator works with nearly all name brand toothbrushes. This includes both ultrasonic and mechanical toothbrushes. However, we do not recommend that is be used with clear handled toothbrushes or mechanical battery operated toothbrushes that do not have a removable head.
How many toothbrushes will the Germ Terminator sanitize at one time?
It has been designed and tested for sanitizing either one or two toothbrushes with bristles up.
How big is the Germ Terminator?
It's very compact and has a small footprint to sit on your countertop. It's base is only 3" x 5" and it stands about 12" in height.
How does the Germ Terminator work?
The Germ Terminator uses a patented and patent-pending two-step process using both steam and dry heat. You just add water to the unit and the power of steam kills greater than 99.9999% of the germs tested. The dry-heat clean chamber stores your toothbrush and keeps it germ-free.
Adding water automatically turns on the Germ Terminator steam mode and the dry-heat mode is activated automatically as soon as the steam cycle has been completed. There are no moving parts to break or jam. Your sanitized toothbrush stands ready for your next brushing.
What steps are required to clean my toothbrush?
The Germ Terminator is super-easy to use and takes less than ten seconds of your time per use. After placing your toothbrush into the clean chamber simply add water and the Germ Terminator automatically does the rest.
Does it use electricity?
The Germ Terminator plugs into the wall to enable your toothbrush to stay germ free even in unsanitary bathroom conditions.
Does it really work?
Three major independent laboratories were unable to detect even a single germ in any test. Each test involved contaminating toothbrushes with more than one million colony-forming units of germs per toothbrush. The Germ Terminator completely killed: HIV, Herpes, Hepatitis, The Cold Virus, The Flu Virus, Salmonella, Listeria, E. Coli, Candida, Gingivalis, Staphyloccocus, and Meningitis to name a few.
Does is come with a warranty?
The Germ Terminator Corporation warrants this product against any defects in material or workmanship for a period of 90 days from the date of purchase. An extended warranty is available through Germ Terminator Corporation.
How hot will the outside of the unit get?
The Germ Terminator is similar to any household appliance that uses steam. Like a humidifier, it becomes warm but not uncomfortable to the touch.
How long does it take for my toothbrush to be sanitized?
All you do is add water to your Germ Terminator and using it only takes 10 seconds. However, the steam process takes less than 10 minutes. The independent laboratories tested at 30 minutes, 4 hours,s and 12 hours. All tests showed complete inactivation of all germs.
Are there other ways to sanitize my toothbrush?
Boiling your toothbrush or placing your toothbrush in the dishwasher can damage the bristles of your brush. Also, these methods will not provide sanitary storage for your brush. Also, keeping your toothbrush in mouthwash may inject alcohol into your bloodstream. Alcohol is know to be a potential cancer-causing agent, especially for the oral cavity.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Germs, not genes, cause most diseases.
Throughout history, germs have always been drastically underestimated in their ability to cause destruction and death. Germs have repeatedly been overlooked and rejected by the medical establishment as causes for disease. Perhaps this is because germs are invisible to the human eye and it is hard for us to believe that something we cannot see can have the ability to cause great harm to our "formidable" bodies. Whatever the case may be, the fact remains that microscopic germs can be, in fact, very harmful to our health.
As scientists discover more about them and their connections to certain diseases and conditions, germs are turning out to be more dangerous and sinister than we ever thought. In the past few years, several new studies and laboratory conclusions have pointed to germs as the instigators of many devastating non-acute diseases - chronic diseases that doctors used to think were caused by poor lifestyle and bad genes. What we are discovering is that the symptoms of long term bombardment by germs are generally undetected until they turn into something devastating like heart disease or cancer later in life.
The damage that germs can do is comparable to cigarette smoking, obesity, and lack of exercise. A little won't kill you but year after year, decade after decade, the snowball causes an avalanche which buries you.
Click Here for the Germ Terminator Solution!
As scientists discover more about them and their connections to certain diseases and conditions, germs are turning out to be more dangerous and sinister than we ever thought. In the past few years, several new studies and laboratory conclusions have pointed to germs as the instigators of many devastating non-acute diseases - chronic diseases that doctors used to think were caused by poor lifestyle and bad genes. What we are discovering is that the symptoms of long term bombardment by germs are generally undetected until they turn into something devastating like heart disease or cancer later in life.
The damage that germs can do is comparable to cigarette smoking, obesity, and lack of exercise. A little won't kill you but year after year, decade after decade, the snowball causes an avalanche which buries you.
Click Here for the Germ Terminator Solution!
Friday, May 2, 2008
Did You Know...

• More women than men report brushing before going out and more women are likely to brush their teeth at work or in a restaurant bathroom.
• Three out of four patients don’t change their toothbrush as often as they should.
• In 1857, H.N. Wadsworth was credited as the first American to patent the toothbrush.
• 94% of Americans say they brush nightly and 81% say they do it first thing in the morning.
• 38.5 = the total days an average American spends brushing teeth over a lifetime.(AAP)
• Women smile about 62 times a day compared to men who smile on average 8 times a day.
• Right handed people tend to chew food on the right side, while left handed people tend to chew on the left.
• More than 51 million hours of school are lost each year by children due to dental related illness.
• Adults lose more than 164 million hours of work each year due to oral health problems or dental visits.
• Like fingerprints, everyones tongue print is different.
• Tooth decay remains the most common chronic disease among children ages 5-17 with 59% affected.
• 32% of Americans cite bad breath as the least attractive trait of their co-workers. (AAP)
• 78% of Americans have had at least 1 cavity by age 17. (CDC, 2002)
• 75 percent of the U.S. population has some form of periodontal gum disease.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
The Dirtiest Room in the House
In addition to the germs already existing in the mouth that end up on the bristles of your toothbrush and breed and multiply, millions of germs and bacteria can assemble on your toothbrush from its everyday storage environment, the bathroom.
The typical household bathroom is popularly known as "the dirtiest room in the house" for a reason. Even if you take care to neurotically clean the bathroom in your house every 2 to 3 days, there is no doubt that loads of germs, blood, and other bodily fluids are flying around as a result of hand-washing, toilet flushing, bathing, shaving, or any of the other grooming and personal hygiene activities that we carry out inside this little room.
Aside from the "bacterial mist" that is evident after each toilet flush and can stay in the air for at least two hours, the highest incidence of nasty bathroom germs actually occurs within and around the sink! That's right, the same place where you wash your face and hands, and brush your teeth every day!
How many of us rest our toothbrushes on the surfaces of a dirty sink, or how many of us have had our toothbrushes slip into the same dirty sink or even the floor? If you are like most people, the toothbrush is conveniently stored on or next to the the sink, contained within the infamous "community cup" holding the toothbrushes of every person in the household. It's here in the decorative and grimy family toothbrush cup that toothbrushes can actually share germs. This convenient storage habit is why the Journal of the Canadian Dental Association has stated that "toothbrushes can transmit disease." In technical terms, this is described as "cross-contamination.

No matter how much of a germ freak you may call yourself or how often you clean your bathroom and practice techniques to limit the toilet "aerosol effect" and control the amount of sink germs that reach your toothbrush, unfortunately, there is virtually no escaping toothbrush germs. Even new toothbrushes aren't safe. A study published in the Journal of the Oklahoma Dental Association found that 4 out of 5 (80%) brand new toothbrushes from one manufacturer were contaminated right out of the box!
Instead of buying a new toothbrush each time you brush, as they are getting more and more expensive and some are contaminated anyway, why not sanitize your toothbrush and kill the germs? Now that there is a way to solve this dirty little problem, you can easily use a clean, sanitized toothbrush, and protect your immune system from all of the nasty germs living on your toothbrush bristles. It just makes sense.
The typical household bathroom is popularly known as "the dirtiest room in the house" for a reason. Even if you take care to neurotically clean the bathroom in your house every 2 to 3 days, there is no doubt that loads of germs, blood, and other bodily fluids are flying around as a result of hand-washing, toilet flushing, bathing, shaving, or any of the other grooming and personal hygiene activities that we carry out inside this little room.
Aside from the "bacterial mist" that is evident after each toilet flush and can stay in the air for at least two hours, the highest incidence of nasty bathroom germs actually occurs within and around the sink! That's right, the same place where you wash your face and hands, and brush your teeth every day!
How many of us rest our toothbrushes on the surfaces of a dirty sink, or how many of us have had our toothbrushes slip into the same dirty sink or even the floor? If you are like most people, the toothbrush is conveniently stored on or next to the the sink, contained within the infamous "community cup" holding the toothbrushes of every person in the household. It's here in the decorative and grimy family toothbrush cup that toothbrushes can actually share germs. This convenient storage habit is why the Journal of the Canadian Dental Association has stated that "toothbrushes can transmit disease." In technical terms, this is described as "cross-contamination.

No matter how much of a germ freak you may call yourself or how often you clean your bathroom and practice techniques to limit the toilet "aerosol effect" and control the amount of sink germs that reach your toothbrush, unfortunately, there is virtually no escaping toothbrush germs. Even new toothbrushes aren't safe. A study published in the Journal of the Oklahoma Dental Association found that 4 out of 5 (80%) brand new toothbrushes from one manufacturer were contaminated right out of the box!
Instead of buying a new toothbrush each time you brush, as they are getting more and more expensive and some are contaminated anyway, why not sanitize your toothbrush and kill the germs? Now that there is a way to solve this dirty little problem, you can easily use a clean, sanitized toothbrush, and protect your immune system from all of the nasty germs living on your toothbrush bristles. It just makes sense.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Inflammation: "The Secret Killer"
It is a well established fact that chronic oral infections can significantly, if not certainly, increase the risk of acquiring or worsening serious health problems like heart and lung disease, diabetes, stroke, and premature or low birth weight. According to the American Diabetes Association, approximately 90% of adult Americans have or will have gum disease some time in their lives.
If we take a minute to consider gum disease, which is a kind of chronic bacterial infection, it is easy to see how this condition can contribute to systematic inflammation turned chronic. A chronic infection like gum disease can undoubtedly affect the way in which your body's inflammatory reaction performs. When let untreated, it can persist as an ongoing infection in our mouths. Remember, gum disease is caused by an infectious, contagious bacterium that invades the delicate soft tissue of our gums - and inflammation is what causes our gums to become red and inflamed.
Research on inflammation is uncovering a fascinating network of interconnections between various diseases that we never dreamed would be inter-related. Inflammation can explain the connection between chronic oral infections and heart disease, stroke, and diabetes, to name just a few. This is because chronic inflammation in one area of the body can affect the rest of the body, and when we treat inflammation in one part of the body, other parts of the body also become healthier. And it's why the former U.S. Surgeon General said, "You are not healthy without good oral health".
So if we eliminate the germs on our toothbrush bristles by sanitizing our toothbrushes prior to every use, then we can bring a final end to chronic infection and re-infection from germs on our toothbrushes, and hopefully help to prevent, or at least minimize, chronic mouth infections like gum disease. Putting an end to chronic mouth infections will eradicate the need for a chronic inflammatory response in the mouth, and thereby reduce inflammation throughout the body. Remember, the mouth is the body's prime gateway for bacterial invasion and infection. Why not do everything we can to prevent recurring instances of infection directly at the source?
If we take a minute to consider gum disease, which is a kind of chronic bacterial infection, it is easy to see how this condition can contribute to systematic inflammation turned chronic. A chronic infection like gum disease can undoubtedly affect the way in which your body's inflammatory reaction performs. When let untreated, it can persist as an ongoing infection in our mouths. Remember, gum disease is caused by an infectious, contagious bacterium that invades the delicate soft tissue of our gums - and inflammation is what causes our gums to become red and inflamed.
Research on inflammation is uncovering a fascinating network of interconnections between various diseases that we never dreamed would be inter-related. Inflammation can explain the connection between chronic oral infections and heart disease, stroke, and diabetes, to name just a few. This is because chronic inflammation in one area of the body can affect the rest of the body, and when we treat inflammation in one part of the body, other parts of the body also become healthier. And it's why the former U.S. Surgeon General said, "You are not healthy without good oral health".
So if we eliminate the germs on our toothbrush bristles by sanitizing our toothbrushes prior to every use, then we can bring a final end to chronic infection and re-infection from germs on our toothbrushes, and hopefully help to prevent, or at least minimize, chronic mouth infections like gum disease. Putting an end to chronic mouth infections will eradicate the need for a chronic inflammatory response in the mouth, and thereby reduce inflammation throughout the body. Remember, the mouth is the body's prime gateway for bacterial invasion and infection. Why not do everything we can to prevent recurring instances of infection directly at the source?
Friday, March 14, 2008
The Germ Terminator for Salon Use

You may not be aware that, along with killing 99.9999% of all toothbrush germs, your Germ Terminator can also be used to sterilize and disinfect a number of useful items.
When used in conjunction with the All Purpose Basket (sold seperately), this ingenious and incredibly easy to use device has the ability to steam clean and sanitize an amazing number of items. Making the Germ Terminator ideal for use with salon implements such as files, combs, razors, scissors, cuticle nippers, and pushers. In fact, the Germ Terminator is currently in use at many salons across the nation.
The implements are simply placed in the basket, the top cover is put in place, and water is added, it’s that simple.
The convenient size and sleek design of the Germ Terminator make it an ideal addition to your salon station with the added benefit of enabling clients to actually see and hear the implements being sanitized prior to use. When you hear it steam, you know it’s clean!
This revolutionary sanitizer utilizes steam and dry heat to sanitize shears and implements to 99.9999% reduction in the various bacteria, viruses, fungus, and yeast and mold populations for which the lab conducted tests.
For more information, visit today!
Monday, March 3, 2008
When You Hear It Steam, You Know It’s Clean!
Why should YOU be using the Germ Terminator Toothbrush Sanitizer?
I’m sure you’ve heard about other methods for cleaning your toothbrush, like soaking it in bleach, hydrogen peroxide, or mouthwash, boiling it in a pot on the stove, placing it in the dishwasher, exposing it to ultra-violet light radiation or ozone, and some people even think that just leaving it out to dry will effectively get rid of all the germs. A few of these techniques might work to kill some germs, but they are either essentially ineffective and/or potentially hazardous to your health.
The Germ Terminator is entirely unique with its patented steam-sanitization and germ-free storage system. Using the pre-measured GT cup, you just add a little water to the GT. The Germ Terminator generates a burst of continuous germ-killing steam that safely, efficiently, and effectively wipes out greater than 99.9999% of all germs tested in major laboratory testing with absolutely no germs detected after any test! Again, all you need to do is add water!
Doctors and dentists wouldn’t think of using one of their instruments without steam-sterilizing them first. Most mothers wouldn’t reuse the nipple from a baby bottle or a thermometer without boiling it or steaming it. Why? Because we all know that high-temperature steam combined with proper timed duration of steaming, is virtually the only way to successfully kill all potentially pathogenic germs and microbes. That’s exactly what dentists and physicians do to sterilize their instruments.
It just makes sense. When it comes to something you put in your mouth, CLEAN has got to be better than DIRTY.
When you hear it steam, you know it’s CLEAN!
I’m sure you’ve heard about other methods for cleaning your toothbrush, like soaking it in bleach, hydrogen peroxide, or mouthwash, boiling it in a pot on the stove, placing it in the dishwasher, exposing it to ultra-violet light radiation or ozone, and some people even think that just leaving it out to dry will effectively get rid of all the germs. A few of these techniques might work to kill some germs, but they are either essentially ineffective and/or potentially hazardous to your health.
The Germ Terminator is entirely unique with its patented steam-sanitization and germ-free storage system. Using the pre-measured GT cup, you just add a little water to the GT. The Germ Terminator generates a burst of continuous germ-killing steam that safely, efficiently, and effectively wipes out greater than 99.9999% of all germs tested in major laboratory testing with absolutely no germs detected after any test! Again, all you need to do is add water!
Doctors and dentists wouldn’t think of using one of their instruments without steam-sterilizing them first. Most mothers wouldn’t reuse the nipple from a baby bottle or a thermometer without boiling it or steaming it. Why? Because we all know that high-temperature steam combined with proper timed duration of steaming, is virtually the only way to successfully kill all potentially pathogenic germs and microbes. That’s exactly what dentists and physicians do to sterilize their instruments.
It just makes sense. When it comes to something you put in your mouth, CLEAN has got to be better than DIRTY.
When you hear it steam, you know it’s CLEAN!
Friday, February 15, 2008
Just Add Water!
If sanitizing your toothbrush sounds like something you just don't have time for...think again.
With the Germ Terminator Toothbrush Sanitizer, protecting yourself and your loved ones from unwanted germs has never been easier!
Takes Only Seconds:
Step 1
Place your toothbrush(es) in the toothbrush basket and replace the cover.

Step 2
Add water.

Steam Cycle starts automatically when you add water. Your toothbrush is being sanitized when you see and hear steam filling the chamber.
Dry Heat Cycle follows automatically and keeps your toothbrush(es) sanitized in the clean chamber until your next brushing.

Easy enough for the whole family to use!
Dentists, Doctors, and Hygienists recommend the Germ Terminator Toothbrush Sanitizer for good oral and total health.
Consumers agree- in one survey, over 90% of current Germ Terminator users would recommend the Germ Terminator to friends and family.
With only seconds a day, you can have a clean, healthy toothbrush.
It just makes sense!
With the Germ Terminator Toothbrush Sanitizer, protecting yourself and your loved ones from unwanted germs has never been easier!
Takes Only Seconds:
Step 1
Place your toothbrush(es) in the toothbrush basket and replace the cover.

Step 2
Add water.

Steam Cycle starts automatically when you add water. Your toothbrush is being sanitized when you see and hear steam filling the chamber.
Dry Heat Cycle follows automatically and keeps your toothbrush(es) sanitized in the clean chamber until your next brushing.

Easy enough for the whole family to use!
Dentists, Doctors, and Hygienists recommend the Germ Terminator Toothbrush Sanitizer for good oral and total health.
Consumers agree- in one survey, over 90% of current Germ Terminator users would recommend the Germ Terminator to friends and family.
With only seconds a day, you can have a clean, healthy toothbrush.
It just makes sense!
Friday, February 1, 2008
A Star is Born
Since the Germ Terminator's outstanding performance in major independent laboratory testing, the news media has jumped at the opportunity to inform audiences about the outrageous amount of germs that can live on toothbrush bristles and how we can best go about destroying them.
ABC News Los Angeles did a television report on toothbrush germs warning viewers that "If you're not careful, you could be spooning a brush full of bad bacteria into your body." As a safe and effective solution, the news station presented the Germ Terminator, "a new device that steam cleans and dries your toothbrush with a germ casualty rate greater than 99.9999%!"
Since then, CNBC, CNN, CBS Channel 8 News Las Vegas, FOX News San Diego, FOX News Denver, ABC News Las Vegas, WCPO Cincinnati, KVUE Austin, and other stations have all reported on the effectiveness of the Germ Terminator as a natural, safe, and easy way to sanitize your toothbrush and protect your immune system from millions of pathogenic germs.
Click here to view video clips of the Germ Terminator in the news and also featured on the popular shows The View and Mythbusters!
ABC News Los Angeles did a television report on toothbrush germs warning viewers that "If you're not careful, you could be spooning a brush full of bad bacteria into your body." As a safe and effective solution, the news station presented the Germ Terminator, "a new device that steam cleans and dries your toothbrush with a germ casualty rate greater than 99.9999%!"
Since then, CNBC, CNN, CBS Channel 8 News Las Vegas, FOX News San Diego, FOX News Denver, ABC News Las Vegas, WCPO Cincinnati, KVUE Austin, and other stations have all reported on the effectiveness of the Germ Terminator as a natural, safe, and easy way to sanitize your toothbrush and protect your immune system from millions of pathogenic germs.
Click here to view video clips of the Germ Terminator in the news and also featured on the popular shows The View and Mythbusters!
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Block Those Nasty Germs!
The toothbrush is used two to three times a day to remove dangerous germs and break up the bacteria-ridden plaque that causes gum disease, cavities, and chronic infections. Where do you think the germs go after we brush?
If you are not sanitizing your toothbrush already, the bacteria, viruses, fungi, rotting food particles, and parasites can remain on your toothbrush. They’re too small to be seen with the naked eye, but believe me, they are there. They are joined by other bugs from neighboring toothbrushes, dirty hands, coughs and sneezes, and germs from the aerosol spray dispersed in the air when the toilet is flushed in addition to anything else that may be airborne from the sewer line or ventilation ducts.
This group of germs then waits on the bristles of your trusty toothbrush to be transmitted to your bloodstream and then to vital organs and tissues through the cuts made in your gums the next time you brush. While blood may not appear in the sink every time you brush, you can be sure that every time you use a toothbrush, the bristles on your trusty brush can be making microscopic cuts in your gums. This can happen every time, whether you see the evidence in the sink or not.
This is a potentially dangerous process because the direct contamination through the cuts in the gums allows the germs to bypass the body’s natural immune defense mechanisms and go straight into the bloodstream. Simply put, all areas of the body can be affected by the presence of oral germ infections and all parts of the body can be negatively affected by chronic germs on toothbrush bristles.
By sanitizing our toothbrushes each time we brush, we provide no easy route for the toothbrush germs to make their way into our bloodstreams. In doing so, we favor the mouth germs that are actually good for us, and help eliminate the evolution of the bad ones.
It Just Makes Sense!
For more information, visit your website,
If you are not sanitizing your toothbrush already, the bacteria, viruses, fungi, rotting food particles, and parasites can remain on your toothbrush. They’re too small to be seen with the naked eye, but believe me, they are there. They are joined by other bugs from neighboring toothbrushes, dirty hands, coughs and sneezes, and germs from the aerosol spray dispersed in the air when the toilet is flushed in addition to anything else that may be airborne from the sewer line or ventilation ducts.
This group of germs then waits on the bristles of your trusty toothbrush to be transmitted to your bloodstream and then to vital organs and tissues through the cuts made in your gums the next time you brush. While blood may not appear in the sink every time you brush, you can be sure that every time you use a toothbrush, the bristles on your trusty brush can be making microscopic cuts in your gums. This can happen every time, whether you see the evidence in the sink or not.
This is a potentially dangerous process because the direct contamination through the cuts in the gums allows the germs to bypass the body’s natural immune defense mechanisms and go straight into the bloodstream. Simply put, all areas of the body can be affected by the presence of oral germ infections and all parts of the body can be negatively affected by chronic germs on toothbrush bristles.
By sanitizing our toothbrushes each time we brush, we provide no easy route for the toothbrush germs to make their way into our bloodstreams. In doing so, we favor the mouth germs that are actually good for us, and help eliminate the evolution of the bad ones.
It Just Makes Sense!
For more information, visit your website,
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