The most significant research finding was that of The First National Health and Nutrition Examination which followed 9760 subjects for 14 years. This survey found that individuals with periodontitis at baseline has a 25% greater chance of having coronary artery disease.
It was once thought that the presence of subgingival plaque and calculus resulted in gingivitis and that if left untreated, gingivitis would always progress into periodontitis. More recently it has been shown that certain bacteria cause periodontal disease.
US Department of Health and Human Services, Oral Health in America: A Report of the Surgeon General- Executive Summary, Rockville, MD: National Institute and Craniofacial Research, National Institutes of Health, 2000.
This report, and the actions produced by it, will have great impact on the expanding role of dentistry, and the way that dentistry is practiced as an integral part of the health care system in the future. Some key quotations from the report;
"The terms oral health and general health should not be interpreted as separate entities. Oral health is integral to general health; this report provides important reminders that oral health means more than healthy teeth and that you cannot be healthy without oral health."
"A thorough oral examination can detect signs of nutritional deficiencies as well as a number of systemic diseases, including microbial infections, immune disorders, injuries, and some cancers. Indeed, the phrase, "the mouth is a mirror" has been used to illustrate the wealth of information that can be derived from examining oral tissues."
Finally, there is a safe, simple and completely effective solution to the dirty problem of toothbrush germs, and it makes perfect sense. There are actually a few methods floating around out there, but only one is the safest, most reliable, and most effective: the Germ Terminator Toothbrush Sanitizer. Using the Germ Terminator Toothbrush Sanitizer is hands-down the beset way to make sure that your toothbrush is completely germ free. The Germ Terminator Toothbrush Sanitizer uses the proven power of steam to kill all germs, bacteria, viruses, fungi (molds and yeasts) and any other disgusting microbes that may have collected on your toothbrush. Most importantly, the Germ Terminator Toothbrush Sanitizer also provides a clean, germ-free environment where your toothbrush can be safely stored until the next time you use it.

Highly Recommended
Hundreds of thousands of people have purchased the Germ Terminator and are amazed by the product. In a recent customer survey, over 92% of our current customers would recommend the product to family or friends.
The Germ Terminator Toothbrush Sanitizer is also recommended by doctors, dentists, and dental hygienists, and is approved by the FDA.
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