Thursday, May 15, 2008

Germs, not genes, cause most diseases.

Throughout history, germs have always been drastically underestimated in their ability to cause destruction and death. Germs have repeatedly been overlooked and rejected by the medical establishment as causes for disease. Perhaps this is because germs are invisible to the human eye and it is hard for us to believe that something we cannot see can have the ability to cause great harm to our "formidable" bodies. Whatever the case may be, the fact remains that microscopic germs can be, in fact, very harmful to our health.

As scientists discover more about them and their connections to certain diseases and conditions, germs are turning out to be more dangerous and sinister than we ever thought. In the past few years, several new studies and laboratory conclusions have pointed to germs as the instigators of many devastating non-acute diseases - chronic diseases that doctors used to think were caused by poor lifestyle and bad genes. What we are discovering is that the symptoms of long term bombardment by germs are generally undetected until they turn into something devastating like heart disease or cancer later in life.

The damage that germs can do is comparable to cigarette smoking, obesity, and lack of exercise. A little won't kill you but year after year, decade after decade, the snowball causes an avalanche which buries you.

Click Here for the Germ Terminator Solution!

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