I'm sure you all have seen promos for the new "HIT SHOW" on ABC called "The American Inventor" Well...what you may not have known is that the Germ Terminator & James Song were the inspiration for the nationwide search of America's next big invention. That's right! Now you to can have a Germ Terminator a.k.a "America's top invention" for your home!
We want to hear from you! If you own or have seen Germ Terminator anywhere please post up your comments, questions, ideas, or your testimonials!
ENJOY YOUR (GERM TERMINATOR 97.1 PROMO PACK) When you buy a G.T. we'll send you $50 of free stuff just for listening to Foxx and Mackenzie on the point! Our gift to you!
NOTE: Be sure to catch us on QVC! (July 2007) we'll see you then!
Click Here to get the:
Germ Terminator Toothbrush Sanitizer
Waterproof Travel Case
"Why Your Toothbrush May Be Killing You... SLOWLY" Book by James Song
The Germ Terminator is the only toothbrush sanitizer that cleans your toothbrush using a powerful combination of steam and dry heat and stores your toothbrush in a completely germ-free environment until the next time you brush. Now you can clean and store your toothbrush in the Germ Terminator's germ-free storage chamber, instead of keeping your toothbrush in that grimy toothbrush holder! The Germ Terminator's sleek design looks great in any bathroom and ensures that your toothbrush will be clean every time you use it.
After brushing, just add water and you're done! Your toothbrush stays germ-free in the storage chamber all day and the next time you brush, you will have a clean and healthy toothbrush. And since the Germ Terminator serves as both your toothbrush holder and sanitizer, it doesn't take up extra space in the bathroom.
Why should you sanitize your toothbrush? The answer is, simply enough, so we don’t get sick.
Needless to say, the mouth is one of the dirtiest parts of the body; not only are there millions of germs in there, it is the prime portal for infection to enter the body, and it is a major site of chronic and often undetected silent disease. The bottom line is, every time we brush, we coat our toothbrush with millions of disease causing germs. Then we rinse our toothbrush under the tap for a few seconds, and throw it in the community cup with all the other germ-infested toothbrushes. We store that cup in the dirtiest room in the house- the bathroom- near the germ-laden toilet (a toilet with no trap which avails the room to sewer line gases each time the toilet is flushed) and sink, and we return to brush with the same toothbrush 6 to 12 hours later! We wouldn’t hang our forks or spoons in the bathroom exposed to bathroom vapors, germ laced dust and “bathroom bacterial mist”, but we have no problem doing this to our toothbrushes which are FDA regulated medical devices. We are literally injecting toothbrush germs directly into our bloodstreams every time we brush with an unsanitized toothbrush.
Are these germs a danger to your long-term health? Well, what do you think?
What does common sense tell you? When you really think about it, using an unsanitized toothbrush is a nasty, disgusting practice that makes absolutely no sense at all.
The GT is an FDA-approved medical device, which means we had the Germ Terminator tested in three major in dependent laboratories. We tested the Germ Terminator against the common cold virus (rhinovirus), the flu (influenza), herpes (simplexes I and II), and E. coli among other disgusting germs that have been found on toothbrushes and the Germ Terminator passed every test.
Hundreds of thousands of people have purchased the Germ Terminator and are amazed by this product. In a recent customer survey, over 92% of our current customers would recommend the product to family or friends.
Unlike other toothbrush sanitization systems that use ultraviolet light, the Germ Terminator's steam technology is proven to be the most effective way to kill toothbrush germs. Steam sanitization is natural and safe - no harmful chemicals and no ultraviolet light - even doctors and dentists rely on the power of steam to effectively clean their instruments!
The Journal
of the American Dental Association:
“Studies have shown that contaminated toothbrushes not only harbor,
but also transmit both viruses and bacteria that cause systemic,
localized and oral inflammatory diseases.”
(September 2001, Vol. 132, The effects of toothpastes on the
residual microbial contamination of toothbrushes)
USA Today:
“The sharp tips of toothbrush bristles can cause tiny lacerations
in the gums that allow infections to enter the body.”
(27 April 2000,
www.usatoday.com/life/health/doctor, Your toothbrush may be
a biohazard)
The Journal of
the Canadian Dental Association:
“We know that toothbrushes can transmit disease.”
(2000; 66:186-7, Accepting the Need for “Overkill” in Infection
The Academy of
General Dentistry:
“Because most families store toothbrushes in a common storage
space, airborne bacteria can move from toothbrush to toothbrush,
passing opportunistic infections such as periodontal disease and
the common cold from one person to another.”
Is Your Family Sharing Too Much? Toothbrushes Harbor Hidden
Germs During Cold and Flu Season)
The Journal of
Dentistry for Children:
“Streptococcus and pathogenic microorganisms can be transferred
readily when a toothbrush is used, increasing the risk of dental
caries and infectious diseases.”
(May-June 1989; 56(3): 201-4, Residual contamination of toothbrushes
by microorganisms)
Professor of Risk
Harvard University School of Public Health:
“It may surprise you—or sicken you—to know that if your toothbrush
is stored near the toilet, the chances are great that it is covered
with E. coli bacteria. Each time you flush the toilet, bacteria
disperse in the air in the form of tiny aerosol particles that
can land on any surfaces within 6 feet.”
(2002, Rodale Inc., p. 270, Thompson, Kimberly M., Overkill:
How our nation’s abuse of antibiotics and other germ killers is
hurting your health and what you can do about it)